How we Help Puppies and Adolescent Dogs

Puppy Problem?

We want to help pet parents and their families to understand the small changes that they can make which make a huge difference - which is why we believe simple, sensible training is key to success. We want you to know how to teach calmly, to be able disagree gently but effectively, and the simple structures and methods to follow that will have the biggest impact in a way that is easy for everyone to understand.

When it comes to raising a great family pet, it’s a big misconception that many ‘puppy problems’ will just disappear on their own over time. In fact, we would always rather address an issue sooner rather than later - it’s quicker, easier, and ultimately cheaper than waiting until things get too much.

A lot of issues really can be fixed in a single session.

Not because we’re being ‘aversive’ or ‘forceful’. Not because we’re promising the earth and the moon either. Because addressing issues early, on a one to one basis, with a strong diagnosis and proven training techniques (that we know work because we use them every day) make a much bigger difference than a generic class. That’s all.

We most commonly help our clients solve:

  • Puppy biting and mouthing (through touch imprint techniques)

  • Crate training (teaching calmness to cross boundaries)

  • Toilet training (With our ‘after eat, sleep and play’ routine).

  • Dog Socialisation issues (with proximities and 70/30 rule)

  • Over excitement with people (learning to claim space and nurture calm)

  • Conflict resolution (disagree to a calm, relaxed outcome)

  • And avoiding problem behaviours in the first place!

You wouldn’t hire a plumber if they said that it was ‘normal’ to expect them to take a long time, cost a lot of money, and without confidence that they could fix the issue.

We don’t believe you should do it with a Dog Trainer either!

We help you prioritise your learning.

Did you know that many professional trainers don’t start formal obedience training until after their puppies are 6 months old?

Did you also know that your puppies imprint period for exposure and socialisation is 0-6 months?

Which means that when many people are wasting money on training classes in their village hall, what they should be doing is focusing on building their puppies confidence in the real world.

We will help you prioritise:

  • How to pick the right dogs to spend time with and learn good behaviour from.

  • When it’s okay, and when it’s not okay for people to interact with your puppy.

  • How to help nervous puppies build confidence with unfamiliar sights, sounds and other sensory experiences.

  • The benefits and disadvantages of using food to train with in your dogs early months.

The biggest issue that we deal with in adult dogs isn’t aggression or fear. It’s over excitement.

It’s has never been, and will never be a solution to ‘just give them more treats’ when a dog is frustrated, barking or lunging. Neither will it help if a dog is nervous or anxious.

Having a calm puppy that knows when to switch off and relax is something that we know makes a great adult dog. A dog that you can take out with the kids, or go for a nice meal with at the pub, or invite friends around to the house with is a calm dog.

We will teach you:

How to use touch instead of food to reinforce calmly.

Natural Place Work for rest and relaxation.

Impulse control and neutral exposure for a well behaved dog in public.

”Getting in touch with Steve at Pure Canine was the best thing we could have ever done. We have just got a 9 week old Vizsla and it is our first dog we’ve owned. We wanted to get started in the right way and get the best out of Rosie and ourselves. It started with a 20 min free call which started off the best coaching and advice ever. This chat got Rosie sleeping through the night by the fourth day we’d had her. This was the best feeling ever, and to actually get a full nights sleep was amazing.

We then went onto booking a puppy home visit. This was a 2 hour session which gave us an introduction into more crate training and home lead training. Again this worked amazingly from the start teaching Rosie the basic foundations of what she can and can’t do. This is just a start for us, but long may it continue for us all to have the best life together. I can’t recommend them enough, there’s knowledge is unreal and a method everyone should work to.”


Family Dog Training. Pack for Life Dog Walking. Puppy Visits. Behaviour Modification. Obedience Training. Rescue Dog Support. Home Visiting.

Tell us how we can help.